If you wish to make an individual contribution to support the work of Kontrapunktus, please consider one of the following donation packages:
$100 Special Patron
Seasonal Name Recognition as Patron on Concert Programs
$250 Bronze Patron
Annual Name Recognition as Patron on Our Website and Concert Programs
Our New, Beautifully Packaged Audio CD, THE RED PRIEST along with our live 2019 CD, THE BACHS
$500 Silver Patron
All the Bronze Benefits, PLUS
Exclusive Kontrapunktus Hooded Sweater
$1,000 Gold Patron
All the Bronze and Silver Benefits, PLUS
Premium VIP Seating to All Our Concerts
$2,500 Platinum Patron
All the Bronze, Silver, and Gold Benefits, PLUS
Exclusive Backstage Access to the Musicians After Our Concerts
Kontrapunktus is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which is a private foundation. You will be able to deduct up to 50% of your adjusted gross income with your tax-deductible donation.
We graciously thank you for your support!